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Dear Annie: My husband’s breath is so bad, I have to hold my nose in the car

Oct 24, 2023

Annie Lane writes the Dear Annie advice column.

Dear Annie: I have been married to my husband for over 50 years. While we are physically unable to have sexual relations due to several health factors, I’m not missing it. Why? Because he has terrible hygiene practices and the biggest is not brushing his teeth enough. He has horrible halitosis now.

I can barely manage to travel short distances in the car with him. He likes to listen to music, but in the car, he whistles to it. He’s always unaware that when he does this, I put my hand over my nose and mouth, and direct the AC vents up toward him to help blow it away. He angers easily and gets insulted when I suggest he brush more and use mouthwash. I know if he tried to be more diligent regarding his breath, I would want to have some cuddle-up time.

He reads the newspaper cover to cover, so I’m hoping he will recognize himself and make some adjustments -- not just for me, but for us. -- Wishing I Could Talk to Him

Dear Wishing: After 50 years of marriage, there shouldn’t be anything you can’t say to your spouse. Instead of confronting him in an accusatory way, make sure to come from a place of kindness and concern. Let your husband know that you care about him and want to make sure, most importantly, that he’s taking care of himself. It’s not the easiest conversation to have but assure him that he shouldn’t be embarrassed. At the end of the day, you simply have his best interest at heart.

Send your questions for Annie Lane to [email protected].

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